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View Full Version : BS.Player Skins and Skinning

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  1. Almost 20 years since I visited this site!
  2. Counting frames in skin
  3. RS3 Old Skin for BS.Player
  4. A simple skin for widescreen monitor
  5. A big Question to skin designers
  6. BIG skin
  7. Can't download skins
  8. Longer trackbar please???
  9. Skinning Androids?
  10. How to make a Skin for BS.Player (Video for Beginners) Like me Otherwise.
  11. 4. Tizio’s SkinMaker v.1.07 – new Manual 2012.
  12. Skins are listed twice in the Skin-List under Windows7.
  13. 1. How to change, find, download, and install Skins!..
  14. What Skin do we need??
  15. AnyShape hide-color not properly recognised in BSP
  16. i'm a failure,Try to modified a skin but was impossible
  17. i'm looking for a skin...
  18. Skin with default windows borders
  19. Media Library skinning problems
  20. [SOLVED] version compatibility of skins
  21. how to add new skins to BSplayer?
  22. Need Help With Skin Completion
  23. Control bar at the top in full screen?
  24. Base Skin problem Under Windows XP SP3
  25. Skinmaker German translation
  26. problem changing skins
  28. Skin equalizer, playlist and media library
  29. Full Screen Control bar
  30. skin error
  31. AddSkinArea and BtnGrp questions
  32. i can t make a .bsz file to post my skin
  33. ONE WINDOW SKIN - 2 how to?
  34. Is it possible to make an "Open DVD" button?
  35. Open URL button dont work! & ONE QUESTION
  36. Sample of BS.Player one-window skin
  37. What skin do you use? Vote and coment!
  38. Antialiasing in BMPs
  39. Sample skin for BS.Player
  40. Modify skin
  41. Some problems with search and volume butons
  42. there is some skins that..
  43. Full skinnability of both ML and PL
  44. Request a BSplayer Skin
  45. Full Size Control Panel Only for second (touch) screen
  46. Nano And Simple This skins - Critique Welcome
  47. Request for the original BSplayer skin (with screenshot)
  48. SKIN section of Bsplayer.org is UNDER CONSTRUCTION
  49. Searching for old skin (Screenshot)
  50. Skin upload and skin comments are working
  51. New Skins
  52. Dumb question
  53. Skinning default playlist
  54. Activating the border toolbar
  55. To "hp (standuper)" maker of "tatoo skin, Jus
  56. Small silver/blue skin request. From 1.x
  57. Old Skin Request
  58. Conflict With ObjectDock
  59. a skin with more buttons?
  60. Track bar/button combo?
  61. Skin concept...
  62. Still not able to log in to upload skin
  63. Problem with Typewriter skin by Kordo
  64. Requesting Skins?? Is that an option?
  65. [REQUEST] Skins with handsome men
  66. Can I create this GUI with a skin?
  67. Slide Buttons (DVD,Video etc)
  68. Title Font does not seem to change
  69. New skins don't work
  70. BSP Skinmaker for version 2
  71. BSPlayer 2
  72. Subtitles Buttom
  73. Problem downloading from Skins-section
  74. Skins Problem
  75. Organica Reloaded
  76. BSP 1.41 build 832 doesn't have a volume bar ?
  77. Skinning obsolete?
  78. The problem with all skins...
  79. Uploaded Skin Screenshot
  80. Skins don´t work after update to 1.40.830
  81. ...revolution...!!!
  82. WMP11_from_7Azimuth_1.0
  83. Why skins are not correctly looked through?
  84. Bigger Fullscreen Skin appearing in smaller size
  85. BS Aero
  86. Request for Seigo skins
  87. Loading Skins
  88. Windows XP normal user issue
  89. Green Alien Skin
  90. Showtime skin
  91. Error downloading new skins without preview
  92. Full screen skin error on one specific skin
  93. eX-D Lisa Sakakino skin and a few others.
  94. How to create new skin
  95. Two BeOS related skins
  96. Kako da skinem skin BS2005 ?
  97. Changing playlist font size?
  98. GearHead screenshot
  99. Preguntita; Can be enlarged the skin?)
  100. Remote control : how to resize the BSplayer window ?
  101. close
  102. Removing skins
  103. VLC Clone Screenshot
  104. Color Controls Bar
  105. bsBar screenshots
  106. Request
  107. BSP SkinMaker v1.02
  108. Is there any Light Alloy or MPC skins?
  109. LightSpirit v1.0
  110. [Request] Alienware skin
  111. is the a way to make a costume installation on BSplayer...?
  112. Media SUBlimed skin
  113. Updating skin pages
  114. change skins
  115. Need help Saving / Exporting skin.
  116. Skin for the whole screen
  117. i want no skin
  118. Help me with a skin problem, take a look!
  119. The old default blue skin?
  120. Guitar skins?
  121. Fullscreen fontsizes
  122. Message for uploader of iCandy Junior XP Silver skin
  123. BSP SkinMaker new version
  124. Some skin engine requests
  125. problem with HBtn style of bars
  126. Reactions/Comments to BSP Skinmaker
  127. Long timelines
  128. BSP SkinMaker v1.07
  129. Anyone that upload skins - MULTILANGUAGE
  130. Smaller Skin In FullScreen Not Appearing
  131. What happened to GUI settings with build 811?
  132. Pop-up descriptions in skins
  133. Anti-Aliasing Bug
  134. Is there a Lord of the Rings skin for BSplayer?
  135. How to update your fullscreen skins for build 811
  136. Showtime 1.4PH and BSplayer 1.01 811
  137. Sony skin thing
  138. Arrggghhhhh!!!! zip/bsz files...
  139. Can't change skins....
  140. Can't change skins....
  141. full screen bug since build 805
  142. error when uploading skin
  143. Is It Possible To Create Anti-Aliased Skins?
  144. Skin Counter
  145. thinner full screen skin
  146. how can i use the compact style
  147. Upload preview with skin
  148. Volume button
  149. Folder icons ?
  150. [New Skin] Ashen for BSplayer
  151. Skins HowTo? (for a total newbie)
  152. The Skin Bug Still Exist with the new version 809!!!!!
  153. Subtitles Preferences button???
  154. need skin help
  155. call to equalizer doesnt work? BSP_EQ=60;
  156. equalizer works in 809
  157. involontary stroke
  158. Skin Editor?
  159. messages from language file for descriptions
  160. Always on top??
  161. Can someone try this StarTrek skin for me?
  162. Error on Exit
  163. Please update the skins
  164. Why the mystery over how to build skins?
  165. Skin font with 808
  166. [New Skin] C10k2 in 4 colours
  167. how to make a .bsz file?
  168. which is fast?--- .bsz and unzipped
  169. can anybody help me make a simple skin?
  170. Are there Action Codes for 1/2 X and 2X play speeds
  171. Fast Reverse doesn't work
  172. How do I stop long titles from scrolling?
  173. Where to get the 'BSplayer BWD-V3' skin ?
  174. Downloading Skins
  175. Full screen Skin
  176. Problem using old BST skin
  177. WinAmp skin
  178. Help
  179. New skin, Symmetrix 1.0 problem
  180. Skins in selected languages
  181. nickyzDVP3 volume bar doesn't work with BSPLayer 1.0
  182. New Skin: SoftMetal
  183. Will the skin "Sony" work with bsplayer .86?
  184. Skins and multi-user support (under win XP)
  185. Volume Track (HBtn)
  186. QUAD amplifier skin
  187. skinning - i give up - no help available
  188. Full screen skin!!!
  189. I just Downloaded a skin and it's a PowerPoint File?
  190. How about a better skin support?
  191. New Skin: "milky"
  192. smaller skin
  193. Titles overlapping skin backgrounds...
  194. NeoDivXP skin problem...
  195. Goety's site gone?/Skins on BSPlayer.com! / Edited:site=back
  196. how this work
  197. ??How Can I Make A Skin?
  198. Single window skins?
  199. Title text over Trackbar?
  200. 1015276590Crystal skin in 1.0? That's my favorite!!!
  201. Skin and windows large fonts
  202. New skin (Don't know where else to submit)
  203. Custom Skin with Custom Font?
  204. Volume button, not bar
  205. Skinning - button codes
  206. not a single skin works that I downloaded
  207. version 1.0 has a bad bug in the skin engine
  208. old skins
  209. Skins Spell Check
  210. [1.0RC1] What about KDEmod skin ?
  211. Someone interested in helping a newbee?
  212. bsrend.dll?
  214. bsplay.com - calling al skinners !!
  215. rukio virus, strain b
  216. classix 10k
  217. windows mediaplayer xbox skin look-a-like for BSPlayer?
  218. Which skin allows "NEXT" button in fullscreen?
  219. new skin
  220. Minor Skin Change
  221. Geo-1 skin
  222. Old skins?
  223. some thing
  224. Lot of stuff
  225. Volume control vertical
  226. how to submit new skin to bsplay.com?
  227. After installing skins from site....
  228. Just got v0.8.6.500, prefer .499's skin...
  229. Making a custom InnoSetup for BSplayer and need help with...
  230. Would anyone make a Freespace skin?
  231. about AudSW
  232. Exit Button in Fullscreen Skin ?
  233. where can i find the classic skin
  234. Skins authors please read this (skin bug)
  235. Minimize button in Crystal skin not present in 498
  236. Button overlay
  237. A button for chapter
  238. Two graphics view of skin
  239. Links to sites with skins
  240. a new skin by Falstaff
  241. skin uploads?
  242. "Base"skin is okay. "WinDVDplus2" movie
  243. once i download the skin?
  244. A new skin for desktop mode
  245. .dat file in the skins
  246. Skins not loaded when BSPlayer is on CD
  247. Language of skins
  248. Download Skins
  249. skin troubles
  250. Tutorial for Skins Creation