Note that, whereas this forum is made available by BS.Player's team and whereas it is also frequently "visited" by BSPlayer's team-member(s)
(at least ico-man shows his "face" on a regular basis), in practice this forum (as you may conclude yourselves from reading the threads) is actually a forum
for users
by users. For BS.Player's free-version users it indeed is a source of support as basically BS.Player's team offers no formal support to free users. However, on the other hand, purchasers of BSPlayer's Pro are indeed officially entitled to obtain direct technical e-mail support from BSPlayer-team itself.
So that's why I would suggest you the 'official' route to get professional support, since as a Pro-purchaser', you're simply entitled to get that support.
You cannot expect official BS.Player-team-members to be very eager to offer professional support to "random forum-users", given the fact that there are quite a few non-paying users using (key)cracked Pro-versions having all kind of problems.