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Old 23rd November 2014
pma27 pma27 is offline
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Thumbs up REMOVE solution for IE

TO REMOVE TOOLBAR in IE completely.

Do 4 things:

1) Go to "Tools", "Manage Add-ons". In "Toolbars and Extensions" find the BS toolbar and DISABLE it.

2) Double-click the toolbar (you can do it even if it's disabled) and information about that toolbar will appear in a small window. Included in that info is the file where the toolbar is located. It's usually something that looks like this: "C:\Users\1000829036100-5215\AppData\LocalLow\BS_Player_ControlBar"
Now DELETE that!

3) Change BS page: go to "Tools", "Internet options". On the General tab, under Home page, enter the URL of the site you want to set as a home page (instead of BS). You can also block in the "security" tab.
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