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Ico-man 13th October 2006 02:36 PM

Skin upload and skin comments are working
Skin upload and comments in Skins section are now working.

Authors have an option to update old version of their skins in [Update my skins]. (only available when logged in to website

ALL STATISTICS (comments, downloads, ratings) WILL BE TRANSFERRED FROM OLD VERSION OF A SKIN TO NEW VERSION. And the old skin will be deleted, so there is always only 1 active version of one skin.

However, only authors themselves will be able to update their skins - this will be implemented for all future skin uploads.

Old skins don't have authorship at the moment, so all authors who want to update YOUR skin, contact me and i will fix your authorship, so the button Update my skins will work, when you login.

Skinmaker by Tizio, and skin documentation by Kordo are also added.

Sample skin for BS.Player can be downloaded here.

You don't have to be signed in to post comment.

POP3D 27th November 2006 01:29 AM

How Long Uploaded Skin Take Till It Appear In Skins List?
I just uploaded a skin (2:23AM , 11,27,2006) , and i tried to check on it in the skins list but its not there and its not in my skins section and not in update old skins section too...

Is there a problem or it just need more time?


Ico-man 27th November 2006 09:02 AM

We checked your skin, and, since all the buttons were not working (in fullscreen), decided not to publish it.
You can always upload fully working version again.

P.S. There is no need to upload your skin 4 times. Once is enough, and when we check the skin and if it works fine, we will publish it.

P.P.S: About the time you uploaded your skin - 2:23AM - most people don't work at 2am and neither do we :D

POP3D 27th November 2006 11:18 AM

I'm Sorry , i'll try to fix this...
I'm sorry for the problem in the skin and i'm sorry for uploading it 4 times ,

it just i thought that there is an error in the server and the file didn't upload , i didn't know u check them 1st befor they appear ,

its 1st time for me here... , sorry :oops:

By the way , i just want to know what buttons didn't work? , i've checked the skin and i found all the buttons working fine and as for the 4 buttons that extends submenus , the submenus appear only with the top fullscreen menu and not with the bottom , i explained this in the skin description , is this the problem u were talking about?

thanks alot for the help... :)

Ico-man 27th November 2006 11:25 AM

"the submenus appear only with the top fullscreen menu and not with the bottom" - yes, this is the problem, because now you get buttons that don't do anything... Maybe you could use these buttons at the bottom of the screen for some other functions, so top and bottom pulldown menus would be different... ;)

Don't worry about multiple posting, it happens all the time.

Fr0z3n 25th October 2009 09:43 PM

Skin upload on new site
hi...first i must say cool new design for your homepage....but the skin
upload does not work!

regards Fr0z3n

Ico-man 26th October 2009 09:31 AM

New website is still under consctruction, so we are on it :)

Fr0z3n 26th October 2009 01:59 PM


Originally Posted by Ico-man (Beitrag 39057)
New website is still under consctruction, so we are on it :)

ah ok then good luck with the new hp/design ;-)

Ico-man 30th October 2009 11:16 PM


You may now upload new skins or edit your existing skins (go to User area>My BS.skins).

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