3rd July 2003
Junior Member BS.Player Newbie | | Join Date: Jul 2003
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Sound but no Video after crash- SOLVED
I was watching Shaolin Soccer with subtitles and it crashed because I was running too many things at once.. well... when I rebooted I had NO VIDEO.
Boy was I pissed. I tried some fancy things and then simmered down and remembered it is usually something stupid.
So I went to properties, divx 4 compressor settings and noticed the brightness, and everything else had set itself to ZERO.
Hitting SET TO DEFAULT brought my video back.
This IS A BUG I did not change anything.. all that happened was BSPlay crashed and I rebooted and then those settings were screwy.. I was lucky to figure it out so quickly. Uninstalling and reinstalling did not work.. but my fix does.
Running Win ME on a riva tnt 32 meg P3 550 mhz w 192mb ram .. STOP LAUGHING DAMN YOU I AM POOR!