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trodas 8th July 2003 10:20 PM

Wrong timing!!!
bst, a serious bug fond!
From all the latest builds, the video losting its sync to audio, and very repidly. For example, take good Jackie Brown second CD.
When they talks at the dinning place about what he did, when he changed their mind - after 5 minutes, the sync is obivously lost!

Playing it with ms player working fine. Dont look for bug there. Using latest FFDshow too, but as i says, it dont matter.

Im ALONE observing this BIG problem???

TheJack 10th July 2003 08:10 AM

I noticed something similar with 499. Sometimes, when I press the left or right cursor button (fast forward or rewind movie), the sync between audio and video is lost and progress indicator stops.

bst 11th July 2003 08:16 AM

What Audio output device do you have selected ?

trodas 13th July 2003 03:27 PM

Good question! :roll: :wink:
Selection the default one fixed the problems so far! :shock: :lol: 8)

Unbeliable, but true.

Frankly - using a Tualation 1,3Ghz, GF FX5200 300/425 Detonators 44.64 120G Maxtor SoundBlaster Live 5.1 and Abit ST6R mainboard on Win2k SP3 DirectX 9.0a, i see this options for audio output:

SB Live! Wave Device
Default DirectSound Device
Default Wave Out Device
DirectSound: SBLive! Wave Device

And i found it! Using Default Wave Out Device repeat the damn bug! Hooray, i found it!

So, solution, dudes, DONT use Default Wave Out Device! I warned you!

(to repeat this bug i using Jackie Brown CD2 - very quickly during first minutes you recongize that someting is entierly wrong and when you hear speaking and ppls have closed mounths, even blind must realize, that there is something wrong - not to mention subtitles are out of sync to audio after all...)

Hooray! God bless BST! :P :roll: :twisted:

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