14th November 2003
Junior Member BS.Player Newbie | | Join Date: Nov 2003
Posts: 4
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1.00.800: Cannot adjust settings for (audio/video)decoders
Hey, I installed BSplayer 1.00.800. I wanted to play a DivX 5.1 movie, together with a MP3-stream.
In older versions of BSplayer (like 0.86.501), I was able to adjust the settings of the DivX decoder settings and the MP3 decoder settings. (Right mouse -> Properties --> <select decoder>)
In the new version of BSplayer, I can only look at the filters used (Somwhere, filters --> <choose filter>). In this list, I can only select DirectSound device or MP3 decoder. There was no option for DivX, although the movie was playing correctly. And after selecting one of the the two (DirectSound and MP3), I couldn't change any setting.
Looking at the preferences, I saw a menu "DivX 4+", but it was grayed out. So I couldn't adjust anything there.
I'm back at 0.86.501, but I will using the new version if
1) anyone can help me with this problem
2) a new version is released, solving this bug.
Can anyone help me?