27th January 2004
Junior Member BS.Player Newbie | | Join Date: Jan 2004
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ActiveMovie Windows: bsplay.exe could not found..
Hi everybody, first of all sorry for my English :oops:
I have recently installed Windows XP Sp 1 and if I try to play films with BSPlayer 0.86 501 or BSPlayer 1.00 I get this message:
ActiveMovie Windows: bsplay.exe No se encuentra el punto de entrada
No se encuentra el punto de entrada del procedimiento
?SearchSubs@CSimpleTextSubtitle@@AEPBVSTSSegment@@ HNPAH@Z en la biblioteca de vinculos dinamicos vobsub.dll
I'll try to translate the error message to English but I don't know if it will be very accurate:
ActiveMovie Windows: bsplay.exe Coul not found entrance point
Couldn't found entrance point to the procedure
?SearchSubs@CSimpleTextSubtitle@@AEPBVSTSSegment@@ HNPAH@Z in the dinamic link library vobsub.dll
After click on OK I get the message three or four times more and then the movie start without problems :shock:
Thanks in advance for your answer, any comment will be welcomen :D