18th February 2004
Junior Member BS.Player Newbie | | Join Date: Dec 2003
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Problems with subs & chapters
Yesterday I dug up my own pretty good DVD coversion of Animatrix and I was pretty shocked because I encountered 2 major errors.
Using BSPlayer 1.00.800 (I think so maybe this bugs are fixed already in newer versions).
The movie is on one CD and uses ini (bsi) file with chapters defined in it in frames.
In this cool feature there was problem I also used image file for chapters.
Well, the chapter viewer works well but it didn't jump to specified part of the movie either from chap. viewer or using chapter selection in menu.
The second bug is in Micro DVD subtitles I am using colour commands (ei. {C:00ff00}) in subs and this also didn't work it displayed something like this "C: Hello, who's there?" and not the properly coloured subtitle line "Hello, who's there?".
I must point out that this things worked perfectly in versions 0.86 so I wonder how this happened You shold at least provide backward compatibility for features that were possible in older versions.