22nd January 2006
Junior Member BS.Player Newbie | | Join Date: Jan 2006
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Cannot remove Remember Last MOvie Position setting.
I have searched the forums but to no avail - so if I am reposting a topic please forgive me.
I have BSPlayer version 1.37m build 826, 11. Dec 2005.
My problem is that I had ticked the option for "Remember last movie position" which I found usefull. However, I have just realised that even after I turn it off, videos that I have partially watched still resume from where I left them.
I was copying a large number of videos to video tape for a relative who has no PC, and had left them to copy. But when I came back to check progress, I found that I had to re-do most of it as most of the files were starting mid way thru, which Im sure you can see would be annoying in the extreme.
Is there a reason why the option will not go away ?