18th September 2004
Junior Member BS.Player Newbie | | Join Date: Sep 2004
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Sporadic stuttering with 23.976 fps AVI files
I watch 23.976 fps AVI files (xvid and divx) using the ffdshow codecs and resizing filter, AC3 filter and reclock. My output device is a projector which has been set up to 50 Hz refresh rate. The files start playing perfectly, without any stuttering and the reclock icons turns green, which means that the playback speed has been adjusted so that it is an exact multiple of the 50 Hz refresh rate.
However, after some time (usually 45 min-1 h), the movie starts to stutter quite noticeably. If a pause BSplayer for a second and press the play button again, play back resumes perfectly again. In some cases where the movie is splitted in 2 files, if I get stuttering at the end of the first file, this is automatically corrected when the second file starts. 25 fps files work perfectly all the time. I watch the films using a dedicated PIV at 3 GHz computer, so it should not be due to lack of processing power.
It is a minor problem since I can solve it by pausing and resuming the movie, but I would be very interested in understanding why it happens only after some time of playback and not from the beginning. If anybody has any idea why this is happening, I would be glad to hear it.