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otma1918 12th December 2002 08:46 AM

PLEASE help!
ok, to state first off, i am NOT very knowledgable about video stuff. i do not have a seperate video crad, mine is integrated onto the motherboard. my problem is i was using .085 build 488, and everything was fine. that's when i had win98SE. i upgraded (?) to win2k pro SP3, and bsplayer will NOT work now. build 488, 490, 492... nada. i consistently get "overlay failed", "cannot render graphics (something), switching to RGB mode", then the video either plays, or i get a LONG error- essentially to "notify the author", and "bsplay.exe has generated errors and must be closed", which of course it then closes. when i was on win98SE, i had nimo codecs build 7.95 (or whatever it was, the version before the latest version installed, divx bundle 5.02, windows media player 6.4 ( i think) as well as quicktime and realplayer. everything worked ok. now, those work but bsplayer will NOT work, regardless of the version. i'm sorry i cannot provide more info, but that's about all i can tell you. i have tried both overlay modes, even no overlay. even with no overlay, i still get the overlay failed error message. PLEASE, can SOMEONE help me with this?
the only differences i have now other than operating system is the nimo codecs build is 8 (current version)- i tried bsplayer with nimo installed and w/o, same problems. the version of windows media player i have now is 7.1, instead of 6.4. umm, no realplayer installed at the moment, or divx bundle either. just quicktime 6 is all. winamp too, same version as before tho. i CANNOT figure out why it is doing this. i have another comp running XP home and it works fine, but it will not work, almost at all, on win2k pro SP3. anyone?

trodas 12th December 2002 01:36 PM

Uhm, having XP crap on another machine is usedless, cause its - most likely - a DIFERENT machine.

Your problem is, obivously, that the drivers for your ingegrated gfx (whather it is, but you SHOULD tell us) dont under W2k support the overlay well - probably the YUV modes support are missing - so:

Contact the maker of this chipset, obtain latest drivers, ask them about overlay and YUV 422 support for overlay mode and so on... :wink:

If you are willing post us some informations about your mainboard, THEN someone might help you - but for immediate solution get back to Win98se - since drivers for W98se obivusly support overlay, while the ones for w2k obivously do NOT. :cry: :?

otma1918 13th December 2002 05:20 AM

i would be more than happy to post that info, if you can tell me where to even begin finding it. i do not now or have ever know the specifics about the motherboard or chipset. where would i find that info? but the thing i find odd is why would xp (a derivative of win2k, nt line) support this stuff, but not win2k itself? as far as updating the drivers and whatnot, is that as simple as updating the drivers for say, a printer or scanner, considering it's part of the motherboard and all? the information i do have is not really related as far as i can tell, but here goes... 366 mHz processor, intel celeron, integrated sound also, i use pc 100 sdram memory so i would assume the front bus speed is 100 (like i said not sure). that's all i know about the motherboard.

Quietseb 13th December 2002 10:05 PM


Originally Posted by otma1918
i would be more than happy to post that info, if you can tell me where to even begin finding it.

usually motherboard's manufacturer and model are shown at the top-left corner of the screen at boottime
In any case, there's a serial number at the bottom-left corner which contains at least your chipset's ID (well at least the one the BIOS think it is)
with a celeron 366, I'd bet it's a 440EX/LX

there's a utility that allows you to see these infos without having to reboot. it's called biosagent, you can find it on
it will give you amongst other things the number of your motherboard (e.g. MS7090S) with which you can search for more infos (+ drivers if you're lucky) using google


Originally Posted by otma1918
366 mHz processor, intel celeron, integrated sound also, i use pc 100 sdram memory so i would assume the front bus speed is 100 (like i said not sure)

I'd say it's more probably around 66MHz ;) 366MHz celerons can be very easily overclocked to 460 only by changing FSB to 83MHz (did that for mine, temperature does not ever go upper 31°C... too sad my motherboard can't set FSB to 100MHz :cry: :wink: )

otma1918 14th December 2002 11:05 PM

ok, i'll get that info and post it here. thanks ^_^

reds01 16th December 2002 05:04 AM

Just a suggestion... try a windows update and see if there is a new driver for your graphic card or if you know the make/type of your card, check with the manufacturer's web site.

otma1918 16th December 2002 08:59 AM

well, to clear some things up first (both for myself and others): i have no graphics card. it is integrated onto my motherboard. i do not see a 'card' type of object when i open the case up, so not sure what to look for to find the maker/manfacturer. also, since this was fine under win98, i can assume that something changed by simply running win2k? like my drivers, or something?


Your problem is, obivously, that the drivers for your ingegrated gfx (whather it is, but you SHOULD tell us) dont under W2k support the overlay well - probably the YUV modes support are missing
this is what makes me wanna double check. it would be the OS, not the point that i have changed anything (the reason i'm stumped is b/c nothing changed). something that is acceptable to 98 but not to win2k? thanks, i wanna make sure i understand this before i go any further.

otma1918 30th December 2002 04:05 AM

is that the correct assumption?

goety 30th December 2002 11:17 AM

you should be able to see the video chipset driver in the windows system control panel, the harware tab.

when you find the hardware chipset, just type it in google,
then goto the manufacturers site and download
the latest drivers for win2k

also try downloading the latest directX win2000 compatible.

otma1918 31st December 2002 12:27 AM

ok, i'm not sure where you meant, but this is the info i found. under:

My Computer>Control Panel>System (brings up system properties dialogue box)

there are 5 tabs: general, network identification, hardware, user profiles, advanced

looking under the hardware tab i see these sections: hardware wizard (with hardware wizard button), device manager (with buttons driving signing and device manager), and hardware profiles (with hardware profiles button)

that's all. no info really.

under the general tab i DO have this, but i don't know what it means:

x86 Family 6 model 6 Stepping
AT/AT compatible
326,132 kb RAM

i know the ram and AT/AT lines... the others i have no clue. am i looking in the wrong place? can i get the chipset number off of a bootup sequence or something?

looking in the device manager section of device manager, i see the whole slew of devices, but nothing specifically stating video chipset. i only have things like:
display adapters
multifunction adapters
sound, video, and game controllers
system devices

i would suspect it would only be in those sections, as opposed to all the others. like it wouldn't be under hard disk controllers for example. the problem is, i don't know WHAT i am looking for, as in what it would be called. looking under sound, video, and game controllers menu tree i have: audio codecs listed, aureal vortex stuff, legacy audio drivers, legacy video capture devices, media control devices, and video codecs. the other choices are like midi device and game port stuff. would it be one of those options?

there is one other thing that looked like it could be it (keeping in mind i have no real idea), that was under the system devices menu tree, the option for "Intel(r) 82810 System and Graphics controller". the graphics caught my eye.

so, am i remotely close to finding this info or do i have to open the case of my comp and search in vain for it on the motherboard?

Quietseb 31st December 2002 05:59 AM

closer and closer ;)
in the device manager, look under display adapters

If you're out of luck, it will show something like standard VGA adapter :|

otma1918 31st December 2002 07:48 AM

ok, well i checked under display adapters, there was only one choice- that being "Intel Corporation 810 Graphics Controller Hub". checked properties, said the device was working. so i tried updating the driver just by clicking update driver. searched windows update, it DID find a "closer match than the one you are currently using". i installed that one (the original was dated like 9/1999, the new one is 8/2000). but that's all it says as far as a name goes, that i can see. i can click on driver details and get the file number of the new driver, but no name or anything. the driver file number is "", it also lists the actual files on my comptuer (i assume that's what they are, they all have paths that begin for example "C:\WINNT\etcetc"). one last note, after i updated the driver using the "update driver" button, it no longer displays Intel Corporation 810 Graphics Controller Hub, like it did before. Now that has changed to "Intel(r) 82810 Graphics Controller"... similar to the one listed under "system devices" menu tree (now it's there AND listed under "display adapters" menu tree). so, any of this sound like i'm heading in the right direction? or should i still attempt to update the driver for the video chipset? can i even use that one name that i found (the "Intel" name)?

jplazasa 31st December 2002 05:06 PM

Re: PLEASE help!
I have had several problems with BSPLAYER in different equipment and have reached the conclusion that everything must to the video card.

I have had good result proving several combinations with following the three setting in menu "Options", "Preferences" ("General "and" Video"):
1- "Don´t load DivX; - } settings.
2- "Force RGB mode"
3- " Use overlay"

In menu" Video" do not have to be selected the other options (only "Force RGB mode" or "Use overlay")

Good luck.
Jaime Plazas

otma1918 5th January 2003 06:13 AM

chipset info
i ran that biosagent thing recommended. here are the results for anyone who can help me out further:

BIOS ID: unknown
BIOS DATE: 8/5/99
Bios Type: American Megatrends
Super I/O: Winbond 627F/HF rev 3 found at port 2Eh
Chipset: Intel Whitney 82810 rev 3

so, what would i be looking for exactly (to update)? keeping in mind i also did use windows update to update the video driver (from my last post)-


ok, well i checked under display adapters, there was only one choice- that being "Intel Corporation 810 Graphics Controller Hub". checked properties, said the device was working. so i tried updating the driver just by clicking update driver. searched windows update, it DID find a "closer match than the one you are currently using". i installed that one (the original was dated like 9/1999, the new one is 8/2000).
so, what would i be looking for? how would i phrase that search on google?

on another note, i reinstalled nimo codec pack (latest version, 5.0 build 8 ) to see if it was the problem. it works fine so far, once again i can view files and hear the sound where-as w/o it i couldn't. that was on win media player 6.4 (i tried 7.1 before while experiencing the error, didn't matter. i prefer 6.4 more so i am using it currently). just thought i would includet hat in case it matters.

otma1918 9th January 2003 05:13 AM

^bump^. can anyone help me out?

Quietseb 9th January 2003 05:20 PM

well it seems you have found what your graphics chipset is:
intel 82810

you said you updated the drivers using windows update and it found drivers dated august 2000 ?
on intel's support site for 810 series, there are much newer drivers ! (august 2002, ver6.7)
you'll find them on this page

from what I understood from Intel's compatibility chart and the number you provided (, the version you currently have is not fully compatible with DirectX8 (only dX7)
maybe that's the thing (dunno if dX 8 is included with SP3 ?). upgrading the driver from the link above will hopefully solve your case

otma1918 9th January 2003 11:12 PM

woohoo! thanks for your reply. i'll try that stuff tonight and get back here with the results.

otma1918 14th January 2003 02:22 AM

BOOYAKA! so far, so good, it works!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH QUIETSB!

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