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Aardvaak 8th June 2003 08:36 AM

Make Mouse buttons availible to hotkey please :)

Got a rather obscure request here, but the reason will become apparent in a bit, so bear with me:

I got a small "problem" with my setup, as many DivX junkies with a GeForce card, I got my TV showing all video fullscreen, I dont however, have a remote control, or a wireless keyboard to pause, adjust volume, etc. However, a cordless mouse does the trick as a remote for me, I can adjust volume with scrollweel, and pause with LMB. The only thing I cant do, is exit the program.

With the setup I explained, in order to get my desktop image back on the tv, so I can choose another file to play once I'm done watching the one I'm at, I have to close the player entirely, then the overlay window disappears, and my TV goes back to cloning the desktop. Then I could just find another file witouth getting up from the couch. But as it stands now, I have to go over to the PC, turn the monitor back on, exit the program, and then find the next episode, or disk of the movie, or whatever.

If you'd just make it possible to map mousebuttons the same way you can with the keyboard, I'd have the perfect setup. Granted, there's probably not that many people with my exact predicament, but I'm sure others would find it useful as well, and, despite my ineptness at programming, it doesn't sound to me like it would be too hard to implement.

Thanks for your time

trodas 19th June 2003 11:41 PM

Hey, this IS usefull!
Even ppls who dont want this find the mousebutton configuration very good, as me, because it allow me to get rid od the unnecesary pauses, when i hit LMB on movie... :roll: :wink:

Thumbs up for this one!

JTHawK#2 19th June 2003 11:51 PM

yeah that could be usefull ...

trodas 21st June 2003 07:21 PM

Sure, for various reasons - its not just for rather obscure BSplayer usage (at least from my point of view :wink: ) - its a good thing for everyone. Its not a feature like "nonscalled fullscreen playback", witch strengt most user never ever discover...

...becuase who understand that movies should be played best nonscalled for getting the best quality, when there is some stuff are not yet ready for it? And aditionaly, you have to SEE this, words is not enought to tell the diference between sharpingly clear picture, and the blurred crap, most users watch... :roll:

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