11th August 2003
 | Junior Member BS.Player Newbie | | Join Date: Aug 2003
Posts: 2
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To author: Proposal of cooperation As I couldn't send this text by e-mail, I'm posting it on forum.
I'm an old BSPlayer user and I would like to help to make it even better
(it's almoust perfect right now :).
But firstofall I have to report a bug in two newest versions (old one
(really old ;-) works ok). After starting movie in divx format (I have Divx
Pro 5.05 installed) I get following errors... (see attachment). It is shown
two times or even more. There are no bugs when I launch mpeg movie.
And now let's talk about cooperation :) I've got few things so i'll just point it
1. Could you add to your API a command to return movie title ?
2. Would you be interested in obtaining a Delphi Component / Unit for remote
controling BSPlayer ? You could post it on developers section. If the answer
is yes, i'll send you one.
3. The only thing that BSPlayer lacks is the ability to open all files from
a specified directory. For example, i start "bsplay.exe d:" and it create a
playlist with all movie files on that drive. Many useres asked for it (as
I've seen on your forum) so if you want, I can write a function (in Delphi5)
to list all the movie and music files in specified directory and send it to
Would you be interested ?