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thewave105 7th July 2003 01:14 AM

Real Media
how can i play real media format videos on my bsp????

JTHawK#2 7th July 2003 08:32 AM

sorry u can't play real media files with bsplayer ... :(

bond 8th July 2003 03:33 PM

there seems to be a realmedia directshow filter out now which should enable every directshow based player (like bsp) to playback rv

i didnt have time to test it but you can try it yourself! get it here

JTHawK#2 8th July 2003 06:15 PM

oh yeah .. its new .. :D

and it works with bsplayer

but audio dont work .. audio isn't implemented in the filter yet

bond 9th July 2003 10:28 AM

now it is implemented ;)

JTHawK#2 9th July 2003 03:27 PM

.. and it works fine here ... :!:

Badgerz 10th July 2003 06:26 PM

Downloaded the
im guessing you copy it to system32 and restart.

proper way to let bs player use real media would be much appreciated

Badgerz 10th July 2003 06:27 PM


Peuj 11th July 2003 12:56 PM

where can i find this filter i search on google but didn't find anything :cry:


Peuj 11th July 2003 12:56 PM

where can i find this filter i search on google but didn't find anything :cry:


Peuj 11th July 2003 12:57 PM

where can i find this filter i search on google but didn't find anything :cry:


Mike 13th July 2003 02:34 AM

I think bond has already posted a link in his post. Just click on "here". Anyway, I have downloaded the fillter but I can't play it under XP. Bsplayer open the file without problem, but I only see black screen while it plays. I went back to the web site, and I noticed that you need to install Real One player first, and I only got the one comes with XP. I don't know if that is my problem, but if it only works with Real One, then I think I will have to pass this one, for most people said Real One player is worst than regular spyware. Please correct me if I am wrong.

bond 13th July 2003 03:35 AM

realone is needed because it installs important dlls which are needed for decoding

Inge Geisel 15th July 2003 01:54 PM

Guide for dummies???

maybe I need a guide for dummies, but my BSPlayer still does not want to play rm files.

This is how I did it:
1. Installed BSPlayer
2. Installed RealOne Player
3. Downloaded RealMediaSplitter
4. Unzip [of course ;-)] and saved in "windir\system32"
5. Restart Windows XP

Result: Unkown file :evil:

Where is the mistake???

Thanks for your help.

Inge Geisel 15th July 2003 01:55 PM


maybe I need a guide for dummies, but my BSPlayer still does not want to play rm files.

This is how I did it:
1. Installed BSPlayer
2. Installed RealOne Player
3. Downloaded RealMediaSplitter
4. Unzip [of course ;-)] and saved in "windir\system32"
5. Restart Windows XP

Result: Unkown file :evil:

Where is the mistake???

Thanks for your help.


Inge Geisel 15th July 2003 01:56 PM


maybe I need a guide for dummies, but my BSPlayer still does not want to play rm files.

This is how I did it:
1. Installed BSPlayer
2. Installed RealOne Player
3. Downloaded RealMediaSplitter
4. Unzip [of course ;-)] and saved in "windir\system32"
5. Restart Windows XP

Result: Unkown file :evil:

Where is the mistake???

Thanks for your help.

Inge Geisel 15th July 2003 01:57 PM


maybe I need a guide for dummies, but my BSPlayer still does not want to play rm files.

This is how I did it:
1. Installed BSPlayer
2. Installed RealOne Player
3. Downloaded RealMediaSplitter
4. Unzip [of course ;-)] and saved in "windir\system32"
5. Restart Windows XP

Result: Unkown file :evil:

Where is the mistake???

Thanks for your help.

Mike 15th July 2003 03:09 PM

Did you register your filter before you use it ( type "regsvr32.exe (yourfiltername).ax" on the command prompt without the " ")? If Yes, then try to unregister it and register the filter.

Mike 16th July 2003 12:13 AM


Did you forget to register your filter b4 you use it? Go to your folder contains the filter and type " regsvr32.exe (yourfiltername).ax " on your command/dos prompt witout the " " , no need to copy the file to system32 unless you want to. If you already did register the filter, then try unregister and register the filter again.

After I did some research on the internet on how to install Real One player without spyware, I finally installed Real One and it plays fine now on my bsplayer. Big thanks to bond for posting the link. But Real One player is really slow compare to ver 8 even without spyware on my P4 2Ghz. Does anyone knows exactly which dlls that the filter needs? and is it possible to make a fake plugins (only dlls and entries to the registry) without actually install the player. I will try it on my other computers later, and any information is appreciated.

bond 16th July 2003 11:17 AM

you have to register the filter first of course ;)

1) create a .txt with the following line:

C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\regsvr32.exe c:\path to\
2) rename the .txt to .bat
3) run the .bat

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