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Help... frustrated. 5th September 2003 06:01 AM

Does BSplayer support SMIL subtitles?
Does BSplayer support SMIL subtitles? If not, do you know of a program that does? I'm going insane looking for one.

BSPeter 5th September 2003 07:51 AM

No, I don't think so.
However, that being said: maybe it's an option to convert your subtitles to e.g. .srt format?.
I personally don't know the smil-format. (Are you sure it isn't .smi or sami?) But I could point you to two programms, which primarily are used to sync subtitles, but could also be used to convert subs.
E.g. there is Vladimir's "SubSync". This only covers .smi .srt and/or .sub format subtitles. You can simply load e.g. a sami-file in SubSync and then immediately save it as a subrip .srt file (by changing the filetype into .srt upon saving).
Another program, covering many more subtitle formats (though I didn't see .smil in its list) perhaps is (I personally have no experience with it, as I dont use it):

ajaxx 8th September 2003 12:43 PM

SMIL is pure XML file, used with Qick Time players for Online presentations, where did u find this type of subs?!!? Strange, but this kind of subs is very likely to appear in the near future :) or they did yet :)

BSPeter 8th September 2003 02:38 PM

Yes, that's also what I thought.
It is the abbreviation of "Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language", which is a markup language, similar to HTML, but especially developped with multimedia on websites in mind.
I've sofar not encountered any subfiles in a "smil-format", so I cannot help but wondering, whether the subfile in question isn't really a .smi file.
Therefore "Help... frustrated Guest": could you please try to open it in Notepad?
If what you then see is something like this:

<STYLE TYPE="Text/css"><!--
P {margin-left: 29pt; margin-right: 29pt; font-size: 14pt;
text-align: center; font-family: tahoma, arial, sans-serif;
font-weight: bold; color: white; background-color: black;}
.SUBTTL {Name: 'Subtitles'; SAMIType: CC;}

<SYNC Start=0><P Class=SUBTTL>

<SYNC Start=293785>

Stop !
<SYNC Start=295412>

<SYNC Start=313600>

Hey, you guys.
it indeed appears to be a .smi or sami file, which can easily be converted by SubSync.

adicoto 8th September 2003 08:04 PM

This is the format developped for winMP, isnt'it ?
It uses the .smi extension.
Or for real player ?
Try submax or subtitle workshop

BSPeter 8th September 2003 09:19 PM

OK adicoto, you add another utility to the two I already provided in my earlier post. Unfortunately you don't give a link to it.
Well, here it is:

So Help...frustrated Guest, now you have three utilities to pick from:
SubSync, SubtitleWorkshop and SubMax.

As I told you earlier Help...frustrated Guest, I personally have done my conversions from .smi to .srt using SubSync (which I think is a very simple and effective utility which I also use to sync video and subtitles if they are out of sync).
For your purpose simply load the .smi subtitle-file and than you need only save choosing .srt as extention and that's it!

But, of course, the two others can do the same and have more possibilities and options!


adicoto 9th September 2003 07:01 PM

Thank you for posting the link, BSPeter. Sorry, I don't have a good connection (analog 33600 bps) and sometimes, too often, my conection fails. So I try to post much as I can in the shortest time.

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