15th November 2015
Junior Member BS.Player Newbie | | Join Date: Nov 2015 Age: 51
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BSplayer starts with huge zoom
Hi guys,
For a while now files like mp4, avi, mkv, etc opened in BSplayer just start with a huge zoom that you can only see noses and mouths! Going on full screen has the same effect, with just bigger noses and mouths!
I can't recall any specific change since this happened, it just started one day and I can't figure out how to reverse this.
I have win10 and an AMD Radeon HD 6670. The resolution I use is 1920x1080 on a 24'' screen.
I've tried to uninstall and reinstall and it didn't improve. Files work perfectly with windows video program and VLC...but not with BSplayer, which is my favourite...
Curious thing is that wmv, mod, mov files open ok!
Any help will be much appreciated.