22nd May 2016
Junior Member BS.Player Newbie | | Join Date: Nov 2009
Posts: 9
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Frozen player window
when i open bsplayer i can move the player around my desktop but when i open a movie it freezes and i cant do anything with the player window. The movie playes fine (video and audio) but the blue player part stops working (nothing works on it, no time position adjusment, not even close button) but i can still call out the menu by right clicking on the movie window where it all works fine.
When i play only mp3 it does work fine.
Not sure what might have caused it, havent been doing anything with BSplayer so it might be some windows update or smth like that? Any ideas?
Windows 8.1 (64bit)
Bsplayer 2.70 (1080)
4k screen 125% scaling (tried it running with the large DPI and without)