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Opencloud 9th April 2006 01:04 AM

Directshow Issue
This is probably a very "newb" question but I've got a confusing problem. Suddenly and for a reason I can't figure BSPlayer suddenly won't allow any .avi files to play. It simply says ''Directshow not installed'' Why would it say that when I haven't uninstalled anything. The only thing supicious is that it occured after I installed AC3 Filter.

If someone could give me a link of where to download this DirectShow, please let me know for I am having a hard time finding a clear explanation on what DirectShow even is.

adicoto 9th April 2006 07:53 AM

DirectShow is a part of DirectX. But normally re-registering quartz.dll should do the trick.

9th April 2006 08:16 AM


Originally Posted by adicoto
DirectShow is a part of DirectX. But normally re-registering quartz.dll should do the trick.

And how would I might do that?

BSPeter 9th April 2006 12:30 PM

In [Start] > [Run] type what is suggested in this post:

Opencloud 9th April 2006 08:31 PM


Originally Posted by BSPeter
In [Start] > [Run] type what is suggested in this post:

I tried using start/run with all the links they provided, none of them worked; Just says it cannot be found. Maybe there is another way to repair this .dll file?

I also tried installing a newer version of DirectX 9.0c, nothing. Reinstalling BSPlayer, nothing. I just don't know. How could this happen!? :cry:

Any walkthrough as to how to fix this would much appreicated.

adicoto 9th April 2006 08:58 PM

Theoretically it should also work by opening BSPlayer->options->preferencies->filter management->filter manager, scroll down to AVI splitter and hit re-register button.

Opencloud 9th April 2006 10:51 PM


Originally Posted by adicoto
Theoretically it should also work by opening BSPlayer->options->preferencies->filter management->filter manager, scroll down to AVI splitter and hit re-register button.

Just tried it. Still says ''DirectShow not installed!'' :cry:

J7N 10th April 2006 01:38 AM

Does MPLAYER2.EXE play AVI files? I once managed to unregister M$ MPEG Layer-2 decoder and couldn't get it back. I then made ffdshow decode this format. You could also install an alternate AVI splitter.

However if DirectShow is really missing/corrupted, then no files will be playable. Is this the case?

adicoto 10th April 2006 04:08 AM

Yes, it's the case. But the problem here is to find to fix it, don't you think ?
Wich MPEG layer 2 decoder ?

One suggestion more. If youswich video rendering method, from internal renderer to RGB overlay and also VMR9 does this make a difference ?

Opencloud 10th April 2006 04:16 AM


Originally Posted by J7N
Does MPLAYER2.EXE play AVI files? I once managed to unregister M$ MPEG Layer-2 decoder and couldn't get it back. I then made ffdshow decode this format. You could also install an alternate AVI splitter.

However if DirectShow is really missing/corrupted, then no files will be playable. Is this the case?

I believe so, even mp3 files won't play on BSplayer. Please go easy on me though, I need simplified terms ^^. However something interesting happened once I tried using ''MPLAYER2.EXE'', Take a look.

Tizio 10th April 2006 08:42 AM

Usually this is a problem on win98 installations when applications not designed to work on that system are instelled there. Have you installed codec packs (Nimo Codec Pack for example)?
Then you can try to follow these instructions:
1. Re-install DirectX 9 (you already done this)
2. Re-install Windows Mediaplayer 9

By reinstalling Windows media player 9 the problem should be fixed, otherwise follow also these steps:

3. Download quartz.dll from here:
4. Overwrite your quartz.dll file (by default located in C:\WINDOWS\System\ folder), and re-register quartz.dll

Hope this works for you!

If the previous steps didn't worked, then search for "delayloadfailurehook" string in the registry and delete it before you reinstall windows media player:
1. Click on Start, then Run
2. Type regedit and press Enter
3. Click on the menu item Edit and then on Find
4. Search for delayloadfailurehook and once you find it delete from the registry
5. Reinstall Windows Media Player


J7N 10th April 2006 12:20 PM

You don't need to install Media Player 7, 8, 9, 10 or 11. They will only add bloated GUI and ASF license restrictions. If it is directshow core you need, then install Media Player 6.4 (was it mpieful4.exe?). It used to be bundled with older videogames and demo discs [years 1999-2000].

After another user installed new WMP on my other machine and I uninstalled it afterwards, WMA files could no longer be played and returned a license-related error.

I think that registry editing won't solve this problem. Error-messages like this appear if conflicting system components are installed (like msdxm.ocx from WinNT(XP) and quartz.dll from Win98). The first thing I would do would be shutting down all processes including, but not limited to, antivirus. Then I would overwrite all system files with the ones provided in MP6.4 package.

Tizio 10th April 2006 01:20 PM


Originally Posted by J7N
I think that registry editing won't solve this problem. Error-messages like this appear if conflicting system components are installed (like msdxm.ocx from WinNT(XP) and quartz.dll from Win98).

Once WMP is reinstalled (if you removed the registry key mentioned) the registry key is recreated with the right correspondance, ahile before it could have wrong values.

It would be really nice to fix the problem without reinstalling WindowsMediaPlayer (which I hate too).. If you Opencloud can retrieve WMP6, then try to install it instead, otherwise you have to install WMP9 :?

Opencloud 10th April 2006 06:55 PM


Originally Posted by Tizio
Usually this is a problem on win98 installations when applications not designed to work on that system are instelled there. Have you installed codec packs (Nimo Codec Pack for example)?
Then you can try to follow these instructions:
1. Re-install DirectX 9 (you already done this)
2. Re-install Windows Mediaplayer 9

By reinstalling Windows media player 9 the problem should be fixed, otherwise follow also these steps:

3. Download quartz.dll from here:
4. Overwrite your quartz.dll file (by default located in C:\WINDOWS\System\ folder), and re-register quartz.dll

Hope this works for you!

If the previous steps didn't worked, then search for "delayloadfailurehook" string in the registry and delete it before you reinstall windows media player:
1. Click on Start, then Run
2. Type regedit and press Enter
3. Click on the menu item Edit and then on Find
4. Search for delayloadfailurehook and once you find it delete from the registry
5. Reinstall Windows Media Player


I ran into a few conflicts with your solution. Firstly I don't how to re-register the quartz.dll spefically. I assumed you through BSPlayer, but there were mutiple names that represented quartz.dll. Secondly when I searched for ''delayloadfailurehook'' it just searched endlessly with no results.

To J7N

I looked for WMP 6.4 and it said it was only for Windows 95 and Windows NT; I only have Windows 98, would that cause a problem? And I wouldn't know how to overwrite the system files with WMP.


Tizio 10th April 2006 08:33 PM

BSPeter already replied to you here how to re-register quartz.dll.
If you were not able to find that word in the registry is not a problem.

J7N 10th April 2006 08:35 PM

You should be able to install it on Win98. Have you tried?

Opencloud 10th April 2006 09:10 PM


Originally Posted by J7N
You should be able to install it on Win98. Have you tried?

It installed fine, I even saw the quartz.dll file being extrated. However the installation alone didn't solve anything. You mentioned I should overwrite all the system files with the ones of WMP 6.4. Can you guide me?

J7N 11th April 2006 07:04 AM

I do not install Media Player every day. Therefore I don't know if the setup program compares version numbers and keeps the newest (in this case the not working version).

- Extract the MP setup pack (cabinet) with WinRar and see if some most important DirectShow files, like msdxm.ocx and quartz.dll match the ones in your system directory. If not, replace every file in System with the matching one you just extracted. You have no DirectShow now and have nothing to lose.

- Go to Windows System and run "regsvr32.exe /u <file>". Then run "regsvr32.exe <file>" for each file, where <file> represents one of the new files. This will re-register the new media components.

You need to shut down all programs except your file manager before you do this.

Opencloud 11th April 2006 09:16 PM


Originally Posted by J7N
I do not install Media Player every day. Therefore I don't know if the setup program compares version numbers and keeps the newest (in this case the not working version).

- Extract the MP setup pack (cabinet) with WinRar and see if some most important DirectShow files, like msdxm.ocx and quartz.dll match the ones in your system directory. If not, replace every file in System with the matching one you just extracted. You have no DirectShow now and have nothing to lose.

- Go to Windows System and run "regsvr32.exe /u <file>". Then run "regsvr32.exe <file>" for each file, where <file> represents one of the new files. This will re-register the new media components.

You need to shut down all programs except your file manager before you do this.

Thx J7N! That worked, check out the file difference. Now I can watch Fearless! SPL! The Myth! Seven Swords! Tom Yum Goong! Shinobi! Aahh, thanks J. Appreicate it, man.

BSPeter 11th April 2006 10:05 PM

Hooray! We have ....

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