Gaetor | 14th April 2006 03:30 PM | Can play anything I want but not Audio CDs Can a person with more knowledge than me on this subject perhaps save me some time. I can play all media formats (well all I've tried - mp3, mpeg, wmv, avi) fine in BS but audio cds just result in a buzz from the speakers. I can play them in other media players but not BS which is my player of choice. I assume this is a codec issue and I want to know which codec to install that will mean they will play in BS but NOT (or at least stand a good chance of not) messing up other formats that currently play fine. I've fallen foul of this issue before with BS an other players, efforts made to fix a non-playing format resulting in the one that didn't work working, and all or some of the others going tits-up in the process. Any help gratefully appreciated. |