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pwner 7th August 2006 10:27 AM

Heeeeelllpppp meeee!!!!
I've had bsplayer for a year and had no problem at all, now that i've istalled the latest version, i can't read my avi files =s when i want to play a movie (avi file) it only does audio, and i don't see the movie.. i don't know what to do to fix the problem.

Tizio 7th August 2006 10:32 AM

It seems that you lack of a specific video decoder..
What does GSPot tell you when you load that avi file in it?

You can also try to re-register quartz.dll

pwner 7th August 2006 10:37 AM

lol, avi is supposed to be a supported file and doesn't need a decoder.
the old version didn't need one so why would this version need one?

pwner 7th August 2006 10:49 AM

anyway i downloaded GSpot and it installed some codecs but nothing improved, i'm gonna try quartz.dll, ill tell you what happens anyway thanks for your fast reply=)

Originally Posted by Tizio
It seems that you lack of a specific video decoder..
What does GSPot tell you when you load that avi file in it?

You can also try to re-register quartz.dll

Tizio 7th August 2006 10:57 AM

Sorry to disappoint you, but AVI files (usually) do need codecs to be played by media players :wink:

Which video codecs did GSpot reported (top right corner)? Which kind of codecs have you installed (stay away from codec packs)?

pwner 7th August 2006 10:58 AM

i tried quartz.dll but it doesn't improve anything, but i tried to play other avi files and one has a better result, but the images are lagging, is this because bad resolution settings or..???? i'm deseperate

pwner 7th August 2006 11:00 AM

They say (in the top right corner, that it's allready installed and i did render and they say i should be able to play the file..=s

Tizio 7th August 2006 11:03 AM

Probably it's still a codec problem (if you have installed Nero Burning ROM it also installed poorly written codecs, and if BSplayer uses them the video playback will be laggy), but the problems can also lay in BSplayer video settings, you can try to change video rendering mode (CTRL+P -> Video -> Video rendering)

And the needed codecs (already installed) are? :wink:

pwner 7th August 2006 11:09 AM

the codec for the video is: Xvid, and what shoul i change in the preferences?

Tizio 7th August 2006 11:15 AM

Then try to install an XviD decoder (you can either install XviD or DivX and enable support for generic MPEG4 types or install FFDShow which handles a lot of video types)

In the preferences try to change the video rendering options (under CTRL+P -> Video -> Video rendering).
Change the rendering mode (Internal renderer overlay (default) is the default one, try with different settings), the results are different on different machines and different videos, so you have to find yourself the best result you can achieve.

Can you also tell me what you have in the right-click -> Options -> Filters -> Advanced window (only available when a video is playing)?

pwner 7th August 2006 11:20 AM

oh yeah, it's true, i used to have DivX, this might help, thanks i'm redownloading it=) thanks for all your help and fast replies, i hope this works :)

pwner 7th August 2006 11:25 AM

YAY, DivX owns =) thanks for your help, i can read my files now, tyvm

pwner 7th August 2006 11:28 AM

I'm so happy :) :d tyvm oh by the way, do you like anime?

Tizio 7th August 2006 11:46 AM

I'm glad you finally was able to solve your problem :D

Yes, I really like anime! 8)
(but don't post links to illegal sites/downloads or I'll have to delete your posts :wink: )

pwner 7th August 2006 12:10 PM

k=) my favourit anime is bleach & naruto & samurai champloo that's my top 3
edit: what are you favourit's

Tizio 7th August 2006 12:45 PM

Unfortunally Bleach and Samurai Champloo have not yet reached my country's markets (they're available only in FanSubbed format)

I don't think to have preferred anime, I like a lot of them of really different genres: Noir, Evangelion, Ayashi No Ceres, FLCL, DB, Last Exile, Maison Ikkoku, Excel Saga, etc... I also like really slow sories like Sampei and Minu.. One of my favourite I saw recently is Chobits (unfortunally even this one is available only in English in my country, but they speak really clearly and slowly, so I had no problems at all to understand it :wink: ).

But now I think we really are going off topic.. sorry, but here on this forum it's not present an OffTopic section :oops:

BTW I'm glad to have shared this info with you :wink:

pwner 7th August 2006 12:47 PM

ok i understand.. is there a section where you can talk about anime?

Tizio 7th August 2006 12:51 PM

Not here..
Unfortunally I'm really busy, I spend almost all of my free time on this forum (of which I'm also a moderator) or with my girlfriend (or watching anime 8) )

And if I find little more time I try to improve my programs, sorry, bye :wink:

J7N 8th August 2006 09:59 AM


Originally Posted by pwner
do you like anime?

“Ah! Megami-sama” aka “Ah! My Goddess”. Belldandy ownz!


Originally Posted by Tizio
have not yet reached my country's markets (they're available only in FanSubbed format)

Fansubs (and Japanese video game translations by fans like DeJap) are IMHO better if the bitrate is high enough. Commercial DVDs are in many cases encoded in poor quality (interlaced, converted to and back from NTSC) and yet are alot bigger than fansubs.

Tizio 9th August 2006 01:08 AM

But with translated audio you can follow the story in a really simple and confortable way (i.e.: it's really frustrating to try to follow Excel Saga episodes in English or Subbed versions, but they are really funny and nice in my mother language) :wink:

"Oh! My Goddess" ?
Really beautiful (but unfortunally I didn't seen the complete serie)

But now we are a bit

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