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Digiface 24th August 2007 10:40 AM

Aspect Ratio
I have couple files, that when i open the file, AR is not (or does not seem to be) right. With one file, if i change video renderer from default to WMR7, AR is correct, when i open the file.

I also got one file, that i'm not sure which AR is correct. Other AR doesn't look too streched and other not too shrinked. I mean with default renderer picture is bigger (more streched) and with WMR7 smaller. I can't for sure say which one is correct.

How can i be sure that right AR is always displayed?

Does this look correct AR? (I can't take a screenshot with WMR7 renderer.)

BSPeter 24th August 2007 05:52 PM

Re: Aspect Ratio

Originally Posted by Digiface

Isn't the object in the background between the actor's face and its shadow supposed to be round?
Do you have "Keep aspect ratio" selected under (rightclick >) Video?

Digiface 24th August 2007 06:31 PM

Not sure. It's more round with the VMR7 renderer. How can i take a screenshot, when VMR7 is used?? I have tried Printscreen, but cannot take with it.

BSPeter 24th August 2007 07:04 PM

Sorry, can't help you. Both PrintScreen and/or BS.Player's [P]-key work for me to make a screen-cap.
Possibilities may also depend on graphics card/overlay settings.
You could perhaps try software-conversion option?
(rightclick >) Options > Preferences > General
"Convert captured images in software"

J7N 25th August 2007 05:45 AM


How can i be sure that right AR is always displayed?
Pump all videos thru ffdshow and activate the Use overlay mixer (also tag with aspect ratio) option under Output.

There have been examples of videos badly transcoded from DVDs without resampling. Does that stream have an aspect ratio embedded? Is it correct?


I also got one file, that i'm not sure which AR is correct.
Try to guess what might have been the source format, then what (wrong) actions the operator might have performed upon the file.

Digiface 29th August 2007 04:26 PM

Here's a screenshot to compare (taken with VLC):

Is that more correct?

J7N 29th August 2007 06:45 PM

I looks more correct. What is your point?

Do you want to find a way to store a resampling ratio with this movie, so that it is displayed correctly in the future?

Digiface 29th August 2007 07:51 PM

My point is just basicly to know what is the correct AR while playback.

It seems to depend on what renderer i use. I now use 'Overlay mixer' and it seems to be very good, but AR is displayed wrong with it on that one file and changing AR's from BSP doesn't fix it. AR is correct with default renderer. I'm now talking only about that one file.

So now i know which is correct AR. Wasn't quite sure about it. :?

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