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johannes85 3rd August 2012 03:45 PM

Portuguese subtitles
Hi all,

When I am playing a movie on bs player I want to download portuese subtitles with bs player. However the only accessible subtitles are english. Does somebody know how I can download portuguese subtitles?

Many thanks!


adicoto 3rd August 2012 03:48 PM

In the left bottom corner of subtitle downloading window there is a box. Select there portughese language as primary.
Same thing is rightclick -> options -> preferences -> subtitles, bottom center: default language for subtitles

sissn 14th August 2012 02:52 AM

For any language other than english you must define it as a subtitle language.
On "Menu", "Options", "Configuration" in the subtitle section, in the predifined language textbox you have to add the portuguese, either by typing it like "por, eng" in this case for portuguese and english subtitles, or by selecting the language in the button next to it.

If you're in android you must do the same in the options "top right of the screen", but in this case you should change the subtitle encoding to windows-1252 or else all the portuguese special characters like ç and é and so on will be truncated.

hope it helps. :smile:

johannes85 23rd August 2012 04:41 PM


Thanks for both of your answers. But I dont get the explenation of the answers. Maybe I am stupid, maybe not.. I hope you can help

Concerning sissn answer: I go to menu, to options but then I dont see configuration. We are talking about the BS player which starts after you double click the bs player icon right?

Concerning adicoto answer: I dont know where this ''subtitle downloading window'' is. Normally I download directly from internet, without any window occuring.

Hope you can explain!


adicoto 23rd August 2012 08:19 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Is it about the PC version or android version of BSPlayer ?
For PC version, see the image below

Originally Posted by adicoto (Beitrag 58990)
In the left bottom corner of subtitle downloading window there is a box. Select there portughese language as primary.
Same thing is rightclick -> options -> preferences -> subtitles, bottom center: default language for subtitles

adicoto 23rd August 2012 08:39 PM

5 Attachment(s)
For android version, see atached images below

Open BSPlayer, press menu button -> press more button -> select preferences -> scroll down to subtitles section -> select online subtitles -> press browse button and select language

adicoto 23rd August 2012 08:39 PM

1 Attachment(s)

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