Maybe everything is not corrected in v1.0.805 concernig BSI files but I found that several things have been corrected.
- BSI files can now be ran thru the LAN, and it's very interesting for me. I explained
here the issue.
- DefaultSub=0 now act as it should, that is subtitles are loaded but not displayed (tested with vobsubs and srt).
- It was a bit tricky but I was able to chain 4 movies on HDisk thru 4 BSI, and navigate seemless thru chapters selection. I only had to put all chapters in every BSI file (
QuietSeb's method) and BSI files didn't need to be in the same directory than the movie.
Vobsubs are perfectly sync, the audio channel selection remains but not the vobsub language selection because it is reset on each BSI loading. In that particular case, 2 behaviour are weired:
=> The option FullScreen=1 works as a toggle, I had to remove it. :shock: If the movie was FS, it goes windowed when another part is loaded.
=> When a chapter is selected out of the current part, the action has to be done twice. The first one get the good file but the chapter position is not changed (even is the "Remember last movie position" is not checked in BSPlayer settings), the second action jumps at the correct chapter position.
Here is a sample:
Title=24 heures chrono - 13h
FName1=[BIVX FR-EN] 24 heures chrono - 12h00.avi
FName2=[BIVX FR-EN] 24 heures chrono - 13h00.avi
FName3=[BIVX FR-EN] 24 heures chrono - 14h00.avi
FName4=[BIVX FR-EN] 24 heures chrono - 15h00.avi
Sub1=[BIVX FR-EN] 24 heures chrono - 13h00.idx
1=0 1. - Rappels -
2=3570 2. 12:00:00
3=17488 3. 12:16:28
4=29519 4. 12:29:09
5=40493 5. 12:41:06
6=49199 6. 12:51:28
7=62437 7. 13:00:00
1=0 1. - Rappels -
2=2941 2. 13:00:00
3=15715 3. 13:15:13
4=29545 4. 13:29:09
5=40497 5. 13:41:05
6=49642 6. 13:51:42
7=61738 7. 14:00:00
1=0 1. - Rappels -
2=2775 2. 14:00:00
3=16876 3. 14:16:02
4=32257 4. 14:31:02
5=43619 5. 14.43.13
6=52189 6. 14:53:29
7=62537 7. 15:00:00
1=0 1. - Rappels -
2=2491 2. 15:00:00
3=16566 3. 15:15:49
4=28390 4. 15:28:49
5=41001 5. 15:41:26
6=50261 6. 15:52:11
7=61767 7. 16:00:00
But with BSI files I found those feature not working:
- Chapters embedded in an OGM file loaded thru a BSI file (the feature works without BSI).
- Title option seems not to work.