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Old 19th February 2004
hdc hdc is offline
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(First, sorry Tiao to mixing up your name with BSPeter's...)

BSPeter says that that problem may occurs on some Windows+hardware combinations only. That's possible, but I hardly believe... so let's clarify: BSPeter, what version of BSPlayer do you use? I have tried it both with build 804 and 805. And, if you stretch (resize) the play window, does the subtitle stretches as well, together with the film picture? If not, then the subtitle is not drawn to the overlay surface for you (I know, you have checked "Draw subtitles to the overlay", but it seems that it was ignored in your config... I have seens such phenomenon on my own system when I tried to use "Overlay mode 2").

Then, Tiao, let clarify what you mean with "on the middle of the screen". For me, it doesn't show the text in the middle of the screen in the literal sense of the word, just the subtitle font must be big to be readable on the TV, so a 2 line subtitle can be as high as the 1/3 of the film canvas height (for a 16:9 film)... this is farly annoying, it covers the film too much.
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