The autor of Bsplayer has a computer with AT power, probably. Under win with 2/xp ATX must be called POWEROFF instead of SHUTDOWN.
more at . I think, this could be possible in paid version of bsplayer!
The temporary solution is use this software: - powerOFF. Just set poweroff & check scheduled - click schedule- check after. In Bsplayer you can read timeleft by clicking on time .
1hour has 3600 sec, 1 min has 60 sec :-)).
A bit uncool, but it works.
And now in my country language - You can understand from it better than my terrible anglish.
charset windows-1250
Chyba to nen?* , snad to bude v placen?© verzi. :-(. Mo??nost je pou???*t nějak?? soft?*k na adrese v????e uveden?© adrese, kter?? to vypne po uplynut?* nějak?© doby.