I didn't know this syntaxe for .bat files, I guess it's related to cmd.exe and not command.com... interesting !
What I saw is that filenames generated in the playlist don't use fully qualified pathnames.
With BSPlayer v1.00.807, whatever the format, I can't load playlist anymore on hard disk if pathes are related to current directory.
For instance:
do not work.
When :
is OK... and
too, which is a great enhancement to v0.86 builds.
Can you confirm it's not the case by you, because I'm wondering where this bug come from? It's very annoying for me, because movies on my PC can be played locally or remotely on LAN, and depending on the location, the pathes are not the same.
I can understand that if a playlist content is past into bsplist.bsl in BSPlayer directory, pathname have to be fully qualified for playback. But using windows API it's quite easy for an application to build the necessary pathname out of a whatever valid filename, isn't it?