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Old 1st July 2004
Tizio Tizio is offline
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Found some bugs when playing a movie frame by frame.

- Is it possible to view more then 500 frames?
- This happens only sometimes: After viewing 500 frames (20 seconds), the feature "skip frame by frame" doesn't work until the current file is closed, even if the movie is been played and then re-paused.
- If the limit is 500 frames, then the buffer/counter of the frames skipped should be resetted after the movie is played again.
- When skipping frames for the first time audio is played; if those frames are re-skipped then the audio is (correctly) gone.
- When playing Frame by Frame a movie, audio should be disabled.
- It's impossible to go before the point where the movie has been paused (no matter what type the movie is).
- If the movie is skipped FbF and then stopped, the frames counter isn't resetted to 0.
- Sometimes, pausing the movie and frame skipping forward (keeping RIGHT KEY pressed for more then 2 frames) causes the movie to skip only for 2 frames, then skipping fw/bw is impossible until the movie is played again. This problem doesn't occour if the movie is frame skipped for 1 frame fw, then 1 bw, and then keeping RIGHT KEY pressed for more then 2 frames.
- Once the movie is Frame Skipped, it's impossible to move to a previous/next point in the movie by pressing on the Seeking Bar. This until the movie is played and then paused again.
- Maybe this could be a feature and not a bug, but when the movie is paused, then frame skipped and then restarted, the restarting point is not the last frame skipped, but the one where the movie was paused.

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