Exactly the same problem when trying to play .mp3
I got that for myself:
BSPlayer v0.85.492, Unhandled exception at EIP: 004923A4
If you click 'Close' application will be terminated.
Please report this info to the author with description what were you doing.
Access violation at address 004923A4 in module 'BPLAY.EXE'. Read of address FFFFFFFF
, 0x004B362F, 0x004B38A9, 0x004520BF, 0x0044972A, 0xBFF7363B, 0xBFF942E7, 0x00738CD6
Bytes at EIP: 8B 00 FF 50 60 33 C0 5A 59 59 64 89 10 68 CB 23 49 00
Is this for purpose? When trying to "load audio file" from menu, it says "please Open movie first"....?
Why this strange feature? I'm trying to totally replace M$ Windows Media Player with PSplayer (the most interesting I found until now), but this error/feature holds me from it.
thanks for any help