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Old 27th August 2004
meriadoc meriadoc is offline
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Default problem with the video playback

i have been having some problems with bsplayer lately. i get audio when opening a file, but i can't seem to get video. i have been reading the other threads about similar problems (most of them recommending to either check directx- i have version 9.0b - or the codec - i have xvid 5.2 - or use an older version of bsplayer) but can't seem to find anything that will help.
i haven't downloaded the old version of bsplayer, mainly because i remember using the same bsplayer version i have installed right now (v.1.00 (build 810)) on this very same computer.
i have an ATI Radeon 7000 and a fairly fast pc (i'll have to get back to you on that one, as soon as i checl some paperwork, 'cause i seem to have forgotten the exact specs...)

hope you can help...
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