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Old 14th September 2004
mirkuma mirkuma is offline
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Hm very strange..I have capture a frame in full screen mode, with print screen key.
If a use internal bsplayer capture comand there is no diference between screenshots.

It can be hardy noticed...(look for O, D or N characters/letters in Fellowship Adventure Group Inc text) on the begining of Farenheit 9/11 movie...
...also the OSD mesage Pause has the same artifacts. It is a kind of blury saw effect.
VRM9 mode is perfect! Renderless is not :-(

VRM-9 renderless.png (~160 KB, 1280x1024):

VRM-9.png (~180 K, 1280x1024B):

Edit: Images are no more needed, so I have remove them..links to images are stil working.
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