I've seen many people who couldn't make NERO encode Nero Digital files after installing the packages I suggested to download.
I think people are making some mistakes registering them.
Nero needs in fact 7 different serial numbers to be entered in order to have it fully registered.
You need serial for:
1. Nero Enterprise Edition
2. HE-AAC Plugin
3. MPEG2/SVCD Plugin
4. MPEG2/DVD Plugin
5. Dolby Digital 5.1 Plugin
6. MultiChannel Plugin
7. Nero Digital Universal Plugin
Those shouldn't be so hard to find over Google. I just tested searching for the keyword "Nero serial" and I found all those in the very first Google result link...
So after you have it all, open your Nero (please use the latest version available due to the constant updates), click:
HELP -> Enter New Serial Number
Nero will close and will reopen as a Nero StartSmart window. Then you click on "Enter New" button, write the serial and click on the green "+" icon.
Do that for every new serial you have. Then just close Nero StartSmart window and open NERO RECODE software wich can be found inside NeroVision Express 3 folder.
Put the original DVD you want to recode into Nero Digital format and the rest is very intuitive. I don't think you all will have further problems after that, but if you do just ask me.
I am suposing YOU WILL BUY all plugins. I do not support nor agree with illegal versions of it.
Just do as I did, test it out then BUY the plugins please. Buying the original is the only way we can support Ahead software to make Nero Digital format even better.