If you assign Space bar to play function, you can't assign it also to Pause!!
The meaning of "Play/Pause" function is that if the movie is already in playing mode, THEN the function will pause it and AFTER it will RESUME Playing.
So, the real function name is not Play/Pause but Pause/Resume.
I think the only way to assign Space bar to Play/Pause is to write a plugin that checks the player status and if it's playing, and the Space bar is pressed, then send a message to BSplayer with the Pause shortcut (that in any case must be different from Play shortcut!), otherwise BSplayer will recognise the Play shortcut and will start the playback. :?
And obviously this metod will word only if the plugin is able to catch the keyboard events before BSplayer...
I think the better method is (as adicoto wrote) to use the Autoplay function to automatically load the movie and start playing it, and the Space bar to Pause/Resume the video playback...
Bye :)