Hello everyone of BSPlayer, my name is X.R., I am requesting if you would be interested or hopefully willing. If you would make a Skin for my company. My company name is called: Xeinge
We've have recently download the BSplayer and find it quite useful and very promising to the target viewers.
If all of you are able to do this, Xeinge would really apreciate it. Also if you are interested in joining the Xeinge Community forum click on my signature site and then click on the Xeinge Community page.
Our styles for a skin is this:
Color Base: Black
Color Text: White
Color Backgroun: Black
Features: DB Meters, Mp3 functions, dvd functions, etc.
Once you are completed with the Skins please e-mail me at
Syfive3657@msn.com with the Skin file.
Thank you and I really appreciate it you accept my offer and request.