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Old 18th June 2005
adicoto adicoto is offline
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1. FFDshow is not a codec, is a filter that can decode allmost any MPEG1, 2 and 4 stream. I don't use it, but I've tested it on slower machines and seems it's a little bit faster than DivX. But the quality is poorer. For those I recommend XviD 1-1.02

2. As I've said, either you use codecs (a codec contains filters), or ffdshow, not both of them.

3. For WMP files such as WMV and ASF use asftools, WMPcodec8 and 9, WMFdist, wmv9VCMsetup and WMtools. That should do. But WMP8 coedc can be installed only if you have WMP7 installed, IIRC.

PS slow machines like 333 MHz :)
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