Thread: DivX 6
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Old 21st June 2005
adicoto adicoto is offline
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Off topic. Nice emoticons.

You can edit my post if you consider I've offended you in any way. Did't ment to do that. Maybe sometimes my expresions are not quite suitable for my thougths.

I gave a copy-paste to posts, not including the second post by neral.

I didn't consider it off-topic your post about 5.2.1. But it might be misleading for some peoples. The ideea is that the combination 818 + DivX 6 can't play older divx files, and also that the problem is in BSPlayer itself, because the same error is generated when trying to open an XviD file, even if DIvX decoder is not associated with XviD files. Now I see some of your point in your acid answer.

See my post in the bug reports section
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