What's the matter?
Splayer v1.02.812, Unhandled exception at EIP: 004FA1D6
If you click 'Close' application will be terminated.
Please report this info to the author with description what were you doing.
Access violation at address 004FA1D6 in module 'bsplayer.exe'. Read of address 00000000
, 0x00542673, 0x00542871, 0x004553C3, 0x0044C70E, 0x77D48734, 0x77D48816, 0x77D4C63F, 0x77D4E905, 0x004B9EF9, 0x0044C70E, 0x77D48734, 0x77D48816, 0x77D489CD, 0x77D496C7, 0x004550D8, 0x00544240, 0x7C816D4F :?: