I made some tests with your BSI configuration, I only changed the filenames, the directory path (for the directory I used only "." since my movie files reside in the same dir as for the BSI file), and the type of audio (I tested with MP3s since at the momet I don't have AC3 streams, and I don't have time to create/extract one now).
It worked fine except for one thing, the playied audio was the one included in the AVI file, this because BSplayer appends the addition audio files to the ones already present in the movie. The only thing I had to do was to go to the righ-click menu of BSplayer and select one of the two audio streams I entered in the BSI file, and BSplayer worked great by playing them in sync with the video stream.
Then I closed BSplayer, added the following line: [Options]
Lang=Deutsch Audio=2
in the BSI file, then restarted BSplayer with the new created BSI file, and BSplayer automatically playied the first added audio stream!
I don't know if, for you, the problem resides in the fact that you playied an AC3 stream, or the default audio stream in your Movie is a mute track or whatever else, but, do you have the possibility to select the audio stream through BSplayer's menu? (right-click -> Audio -> Audio streams -> STREAM_NAME)
If you have this opportunity, then simply select the one of your interest, or change your BSI file just by adding the "Audio=2" line under section [Options], otherwise, maybe there is an incompatibility issue between your AC3Filters and BSplayer v1.xx.