Originally Posted by Tizio Quote:
Originally Posted by outcastray For the Play List, can we get an option to save a Play List? I often play music vids with this. | You can Save your playlist by following these steps:
1. Open the Playlist (ALT+E)
2. In the bottom-right corner click on the "List" button
3. Then select the option you prefer between "Save to file" and "Save to file (relative paths)..."
4. Now choose if save the plylist in Text or Internal format Quote:
Originally Posted by outcastray With all items in a play list or as a default option, can we get an option to have Subtitles turned off? I watch a lot of anime, and some .ogg files have both english & japanese subs and dubs. We can keep the audio stream but not the subtitle selection (from my knowledge). | You can't set default subtitle for each movie, but you can set default subtitle stream for ALL your movie in "Subtitles" preferences (CTRL+P -> Subtitles -> Default subtitle/subtitle language).
Note that this option doesn't work for everybody :? Quote:
Originally Posted by outcastray Also 1 last request. Can we have an option that makes it so when you click on the vid itself it doesn't bring up the controls window unless you perhaps shift click? | To not show controls when you click your mouse, simply UN-check the "Show main window on single click" option in "General" Preferences (CTRL+P then General).
To show/hide the control window simply press the 'H' keyboard button (this works even if you are not in fullscreen mode)  |
1. Ah yes the List option was right in front of me. Just kept ignoring it.
2. Going to leave subtitle option alone. Too many anime have their own selection. its easier keeping it at default.
3. Removing "Show main window on single click" doesn't work. It does if its Full Screen which is pretty pointless. Found the answer. This too was right in front of me. Just press 'H' for hide.