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Old 21st January 2003
shaun shaun is offline
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Default Fullscreen mode switch bug


Im using the latest BSPlayer, and I think there may be a bug when it switches back to windowed mode, from fullscreen.

I'm using 720x576x32 60Hz for the Fullscreen mode, and it switches to it just fine. (This mode is available in nvidias 41.09 drivers). I use this res, because it stretches out on my TV overscanned, using the CH7007 chip on my Geforce 2. I'm using Cloned mode with nvidia's drivers.

Anyway, when I switch back to windowed mode, BSPlayer is not resetting the refresh of what I had before on my monitor. Which is 1024 x 768 75Hz. It's actually switching back to 1024 x 768 60 Hz. So everytime after I play something fullscreen with BSPlayer, I have to go and reset the refresh in the drivers.

Using Abit Siluro T400 (Geforce 2 MX 400).'s 41.09 drivers.

Can anyone else replicate this?
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