I don't know if this is of use to you, but I wrote a audio plugin for a friend.
You can download it over
What does it do ?
As you can see the dll is now called LoadAudio.German.dll.
This means it will look in the directory where your movie (yourmovie.avi) for a file called yourmovie.German.mp3.
If it's present it will automaticly load the second file as an audio track.
The dll itself needs to be in your bsplayer plugin directory.
I realise it's not exactly what you are asking, but consider this :
- audio files take up memory
- how many audio files you want to listen to ?
I can understand you make several audio stream for other users,
but one user can only listen to 1 audio file at a time.
MAYBE you can copy the dll several times to your plugin directory.
I never tested that, but I think there's a big possibility that this will make BSPlayer crash.
Rafke P.