28th January 2003
Senior Member BS.Player Power User | | Join Date: Jun 2002
Posts: 156
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First of all: do not install (Nimo) codec packs!! They screw your system unnaturally often, sorry Nimo :roll: !
Install only codecs you need!
Second: try to be more precise: Were you able to watch the movie until the end though overlay failed? Was playback choppy?
Was it DivX3 or DivX4 or DivX5 or XVid or MPEG1/2 video?
Do other players suffer as well in playback??
Type of your video card?
Try to set overlay mode 1 in bsplayer, force RGB turned off.
If that's to no avail shift over to overlay mode 2.
Remember, don't try to change that during playback. In most cases it crashes bsplayer.
Just shutdown player after changing overlay mode to make it store the value in the registy which it cannot do when crashing.
Install latest ffdshow 2003-01-03 http://sourceforge.net/projects/ffdshow
and latest XVid developer build 2003-01-26 (Koepi)http://www.roeder.goe.net/~koepi/
How did you set up ffdshow codec use (codec tab)? Keep us informed...
Keep forum organized and use the search button !! :o