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Old 13th February 2006
adicoto adicoto is offline
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@ Tizio.
So, you've been taking intensive romanian lessons and didn't tell nothing ? :))

Daca nu vorbeai in engleza oricum traduceam eu ca sa priceapa toata lumea, asa e corect. Desi uneori e mai bine, gradul de intelegere exacta al problemei este mai mare atunci cand vorbesti nativ aceeasi limba.
If you wouldn't write in english I would translate it anyway so anybody could understand, that's fair. Sometimes is better to use the same language, it is easy to understand ourselves in our mothertongue.

Cred ca totul provine de la modul cum au fost codate filmele (toate sunt XviD-dar care versiune)si de modul de afisare in overlay, cel al imaginii ascunzand de fapt pe cal al ferestrei principale. Serenity de ex eu il am XviD cu AC3 la 48.000 si nu as putea face comparatia. Singura incercare pe care ti-as mai recomanda-o ar fi sa schimbi modul de randare video, dela overlay implicit la directdraw si apoi VMR9. Apoi as dezinstala XviD si as instala DivX cu optiunea de decodare a tuturor fisierelor MPEG4.

I think that all came from the way the movies were encoded. All are XviD (but wich build ?) and the way it handles the overlay, maybe the video rendering overlay is hiding the one for the main window. For example I have Serenity in XviD with AC3 48.000 so I can't compare. Last thing to try is to swich between video rendering methods, from internal renderer to directdraw and VMR9. And after that, uninstall XviD and install DivX with generic MPEG4 support.

I don't think this should solve the problem, because audio files give also soome errors, but this is clearly (to me) related to the codec used to play the file. I also suggest to install an alternate MPEG decoder, to be more speciffic Elecard, and see exactly what kind of audio compression the files have.

THinKing, da-mi un mail sau intra pe YM, iti dau eu un elecard.
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