Finally here I am :)
The initialization problem seems to have been solved at least for me (Pinnacle PCTV, SAA7134 chipset)
- After the capture process has been started/terminated, the channel saved in playlist is the first in list even if the current selected one is different from the first. After you reopen BSplayer the selected file in Playlist is still the first in list, but it's correctly opened the one used for TV Capturing
Audio: (Since tv capture exists) If for example audio source is Line-in and in "Capture settings" Line-in is selected, there is a sort of echo, this is because BSplayer sound is delayed in respect of Line-in one, and don't use Line-in sound only, but overlap Line-in sound with BSplayer sound
- (BUG?) Italian (antenna) region doesn't work in the Italian territoty (wrong frequencies? GERMANY settings works fine in Italian territory [NOTE: DScaler's Italian settings works ok])
- (BUG?) In the tuner configuration window, it isn't possible to select NTSC/SECAM Standard Videos even for those countries that have NTSC/SECAM as standard video definitions, but it seems it is not possible to select neither the countries with NTSC/SECAM standard since the Movie Window is updated only when PAL countries are selected... is it my Tuner limitation or BSplayer fault?
- When capturing videos, if the PAUSE button is pressed the displayed captured size freezes, but number of frames captured and seconds elapsed continues counting, then re-pressing the PAUSE button the size counter continues counting, but the resultant captured file is BAD! The playback is ridicolously fast and the audio is out of sync
This appens with NO Compression filters, and ONLY if the PAUSE button is pressed.
Originally Posted by BST Known bug, it will be fixed |
- I'm no more able to record working movies without compression (and also with some compression filter), after the recording process (that stops at ~30 frames/4MB) if I try to open the produced file a bsrendv2.dll error pop-ups. I tried to uninstall/reinstall BSplayer, reinstall DirectX (but this was not needed :P ) and nothing changed.. Plus, the audio is not hearable while capturing videos. (maybe adicoto or other users can confirm this.. it could be that it's my computer fault :roll:)
- Once you open a page in the Teletext window, it is no more reachable until you restart the computer, every new page (subpage also) is readable (once) but already opened are no more readable since the teletext search enters an endless loop
- If the Output size height is greater than 288pixels, then while capturing the video displayed is BLACK (the file is correctly captured, but it's not possible to view the video while capturing).
- If you change language, the BSZ extension is not fully associated to BSplayer (double-click on Skin file will bring you up an Open with window), but if you open the association window of Windows (Tools -> Folder Options -> File Types -> BSZ -> Advanced) you'll see that all the informations are inserted correctly, and by pressing the OK button all will works fine.
- If the "Disable skinned windows" option in Skin section is checked, then also the Menus lost the skinned feature (even if the "Disable skinned menus" option is UNchecked)
- If you opened the subtitle editor while a movie is playing, and when the movie is finished you click on a subtitle line in the edito, an error occurs
- If you try to do a frame-by-frame seek (PAUSE+ARROWS) when you go forward (RIGHT ARROW) for example by 5 seconds, then go backward (LEFT ARROW) and then forward again (RIGHT ARROW) to restart the frame-by-frame seeking, then all the frames after the one you ended with before restarting the frame-by-frame seek will not be displayed, only new one (all these actions have to be made without restarting the playback).
- If you change language after the chapters are loaded the menu item "Chapters" becomes "Previous" and also after changing language again it behaves as the "Previous" string
- When the MovieWindow's top border coordinates are minor than -25 pixels (for example if top border is out of the top screen border by 50 pixels), and the movie window is manually resized, then after resizing, the movie window new dimensions are equal to "the movie window resized width"x"the movie window resized height+25pixels", and the video image is stretched even if the Keep aspect ratio option is selected.
- If the chapters' names (in the .chf file) have ":" char in them, then BSplayer crashes!
- BSplayer doesn't recognise "." character sent by Girder!
This only appens in Windows2000/XP systems. In Windows 9.x/ME "." character works.
AFAIK it's a BSplayer issue since Girder is able to send "." char to others applications.
Originally Posted by BST We'll look into this. |
"HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\Applicatio ns" registry key is deleted everytime the Preferences window is opened (notified by
default and
Windows' Taskbar appears when next file is played (by
- About Window ->
version, Registered to, Icons created by, (Language)
by (translator), Month abbrevations
Cancel in the "Please wait..." window
- Playlist (right pane when selecting TV tuner channels) ->
- Explorer shell menu item ->
Play (is it a BSplayer item or not? Anyone can confirm?)
- (when .ogm files are opened) Menu -> Audio -> Audio streams ->
-- Ogm streams --
Free for non-commercial use (but I think that I know why you don't want to add this string to the translatable ones :Wink: )
- All the subtitle editor menu items
__________________________________________________ _
Originally Posted by adicoto Maybe you can also add the feature to manual add channels to the list :D Or manual editing :o
Just kidding. |
Why not
, but the results will be noticeble only when BSplayer is restarted, or at least the device reopened :)