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Old 27th February 2006
Tizio Tizio is offline
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Ok, I tried with both files and:
1. When playing MKV video and switching to fullscreen (by changing resolution) BSplayer crashes [Audio Decoding=AC3Filter, Video Decoding=CoreAVG Video Decoder, Splitter=HaaliMediaSplitter]
2. When playing OGG video and switching to fullscreen (by changing resolution) BSplayer DIDN'T crash [Audio Decoding=AC3Filter, Video Decoding=CoreAVG Video Decoder, Splitter=OggDS]

It seems that BSplayer has problems with Haali media splitter.. But maybe it's an Haali problem (ehi, I don't know, only guessing). It seems that BSplayer closes the video file when changing resolution and then it reopens it once the resolution has changed (and then starts again playing the movie from last position before the FullScreen command is sent) and Haali (or BSplayer) is not able to close and then reopen correctly the splitter (there are 2 instances at the same time for a short amount of time..but maybe it's my pc too slow that it can't render the system tray icons before the new instance is opened :? )
I have to try with other audio streams to see if the problem is only with AC3 audio or also with mp3..
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