Yeah BSPeter is right, I was thinking just that, using the desktop while playing a movie. I use NVIDIA 6800 and in the settings for it I have made it to play full screen on the second monitor (tv) similiar like in that link you gave :) and yeeee....I didn't remember you could just re-click the program (lol :oops: ) but will it still work? Might minimize on the second out put too ya know, have to try that at home :mrgreen: . Would be cool if you could minimize
all to TRAY? Or an option to tray the hole program or only main window in preferences.
Kinda cool though imo expensive, but if you use bluetooth alot it works great as a remote for all kind of programs (inc BSPlayer). Maybe buy out there licence and include this directly in to BSPlayer? :P All you need then is a bluetooth bong and a phone that would be bitchen, yeah dream on lol :D