Unfortunatly making icons for the desktop would make my clean freak (desktop) way of computing cluttered. :roll:
I would have to make over 70 icons for simple navigation purposes.
(Audio section)
If I get deep into a folder. Instead of using the Up one level or the pull down. I just go right to the top of the directory with the side bar. I understand not everyone has the same setup as me. Since most don't even know that the side navigation can be customized, or even care if it can be. :lol:
I was hoping there was some way I could get it to work via a reg hack or in the greatest of hopes. A little something something to get me on my way. I have a way I like to build my lists and such.
In the last two weeks I tried 6 or 7 different players. They all seem to have this one lack IMO. BSplayer seemed to rise above the rest and I wanted to see if I could get one part to suite me a little closer. The other players I was checking out were not worth even asking or
requesting anything. I think this one has a good potential to be my next player. Though I am picky how programs run and the GUI.
It does my video collection very well. I don't hop around in it. Like I do the audio part of my collection. Having a large collection is nice, but navigating it for a single file or two makes it difficult.