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Old 30th May 2006
adicoto adicoto is offline
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Default Re: BUGS in BSplayer v1.42.833 (Normal/Pro)

Originally Posted by Tizio
Here will be reported the BUGs related to BSplayer v1.42.833
(remember that v2 is near to be released, so if you'll find any bug please report it as soon as possible )
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- Extensions added to BSplayer can be composed only of alphanumerical characters (it's not possible to use symbols or accents) CONFIRMED
- Windows Explorer shell items (such as "Play with BSplayer", "Install", etc.) are not translated when language is changed (or at least not always) CONFIRMED probably you must restart windows
- If multiple items are selected (and then executed) in Windows Explorer, only first item (the one with the dotted line around the name) is played in BSplayer. Other items are not enqueued to the first one CONFIRMED - Tested with 9 files, play in BSPlayer open each file with another instance of BSPlayer and all are playing and Enqueue in BSPlayer do the same thing (allow multiple instances is enabled)
- When the player is restarted and Base skin is used, the Controls window position is a few pixels down as previous player instance (this only happens when the player is docked to the taskbar at bottom position) CONFIRMED (probably the oldest unsolved BSPlayer bug.
- If the "Borderless play window" and "Don't remember movie window position" options are enabled, movie window is displayed at coordinates (0,0).
If the "Borderless play window" option is DISabled and "Don't remember movie window position" option is ENabled, movie window is displayed at coordinates choosed by Windows.
It seems that for bordless window the routine initialize the window as Manual positioning at coordinates (0,0); while with bordwith window the routine initialize the window as Default Windows positioning.
- If the "Disable skinned windows" option in Skin section is checked, then also the Menus lost the skinned feature (even if the "Disable skinned menus" option is UNchecked)

- It's unpossible to set framerates below 25fps and higher than 30fps. UNCONFIRMED
- If you use the arrow-buttons (the ones at the right of the setted fps) you can raise the number of fps up to 30, then if you click again the UP arrow, the number setted starts to decrease instead of increase. This until you reach the starting value of 25fps..
It seems like the routine used here tells to increase the number until it reaches 30, then every time it's pressed furter, it tells to show the actual fps-1 (by thinking that if you click the up arrow the number becomes 31 => the routine try to do 31-1=30 [max number]) but this approch it's really bad (if implemented this way). To confirm my theory there is the fact that once you click the down arrow you are able again to raise the fps number (up to 30, or to 30 - number of times you pressed the up arrow after you reached 30.. don't know if it's always like this.. it acts really strange.. ) UNCONFIRMED

- Not really a bug, but language files are not updated, they are still the ones for v1.37.826 [December 2005] :(
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Now I have to go.. I was not able to test TV tuner functions since my drivers were messed up and I have to reinstall it.. :?
Maybe I'll do more test tonight, but I think I'll do much tomorrow afternoon.. Good tests i:
Same old bug, tuner is not activated on first acces, just on the second, same old echo from line-in, same old bug with Lame encoder unavailable, same old bug with capturing 320 kbps even if audio encoder is set to 128, same old bug with rearange line if too long by default after installing even if i do select font modification as default, same old bug with english lang by default even installed version is set to another language (i remember a build long time ago who detected that the installed version did had another language as default and in the installer window asked diirectly for romanian lang) (like windows regional setting) That's all for now.
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