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Old 11th June 2006
Tizio Tizio is offline
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Default BUGS in BSplayer v2.00.937 (Normal/Pro)

Here will be reported the BUGs related to BSplayer v2.00.937
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- Annoying Taskbar Button Problem (by John0877)
- Bug on DVD playback (by grendizer)

- I'v not yet installed v2.00.937, so I can't confirm or not previously reported bugs, but I noticed that the language files are still the ones for v1.37 (this problem as already been reported several times when previous versions had been released)
- It's impossible to send updated translation files since in "lang_changes.txt" file is written that has been added section [WID40], but since the file "English.lng" is outdated (February 2006) there isn't a WID40 section, thus translators don't possibly know which strings have been added to the translation process
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