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Old 18th June 2006
Tizio Tizio is offline
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Default Re: Language file named with foreign characters

Originally Posted by uncpotato
Does it really necessary to name the language file with the foreign language character set??
I use a Chinese verson Windows 2000, which is unicode capable. Every time when I install BSplayer, it always reports errors that it can't create a certain file. While knowing that it is only a language file that I never needed anyway, I happily click IGNOR to by pass it. There are a total of 3 of them, if I remember it right.
But is it really necessary to name those files like that?
Novice users might panic if they see such an error box pop up several times.

You don't name Japance/Chinese... files with their native characters, so it is really unnecessary to name those files that way. It leads to such a situation for some users.
Please, can you tell us which file names give you such an error?
Thank you
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